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There are generally two types of organisms on the planet: autotrophs and heterotrophs. Plants are autotrophs, they create their own food source from inorganic materials such as sunlight or carbon dioxide. Heterotrophs, such as animals and bacteria, have to consume other organic materials to survive.

For decades scientists have been trying to create heterotrophs that consume inorganic materials in the lab with hopes of producing strains of bacteria that ‘eat up’ carbon dioxide and help curb climate change-contributing carbon emissions. Finally there’s been some success.

Carbon Dioxide-Eating Bacteria

After 200 days of tests and modifications researches created a strain of E. coli that consumes carbon dioxide instead of organic compounds!

Can this actually help curb the climbing carbon emissions on Earth?

Not yet. The problem they’re facing now, is that the process produces more carbon dioxide than the bacteria consumes. There is still a lot of work needed for this to reach an industrial use. That said, this result is a HUGE major step for sustainable production sources and is providing the framework for future innovations on carbon-neutral energy sources, such as creating carbon dioxide biofuels or removing carbon dioxide from the air.

Read more here.


More Javan Rhinos Found!

The global population of the critically endangered Javan rhinoceros has increased to 72 after four new calves were spotted in the past several months!

Learn more here.


Orca Grandmothers Babysit Young Whales, Study Finds

Research on 378 killer whales finds those with grandmothers live longer and the older females help them when food is scarce.

Learn more here.


 The Moon’s Magnetic Field Guides European Eels Through Migration

European eels use an electromagnetic “sixth sense” to navigate during their long migration, two new studies show. The electrical “shadow” of a new moon may help eels cross the continental shelf of Europe to shore.

Learn more here.

Imagine a search engine that doesn’t steal your data, doesn’t evade taxes, publishes financial reports, and doesn’t take profits, instead its revenue go towards tackling climate change by planting trees where they’re needed most, this is Ecosia.

“It’s a fact that if we planted one trillion trees we could pull enough carbon out of the air to massively reduce the risk of impending climate catastrophe. And trees don’t just help with climate change either, but also with poverty, hunger, flooding, and drought, as well as the biodiversity crisis,” says founder Christian Kroll. Check out their site and read more here.

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